

Weston Cash Burns was born June 19, 2009 weighing 7 lbs. 4 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. I may be a little partial, but I think he is absolutely perfect! Final belly shot the morning we had our little guy Daddy and his early Father's Day present Holding my little guy right after they wrapped him up Having a bottle just before we left the hospital
Madie holding her little brother with Daddy's help


Amber Ada Reimann Burns said...

Love that little guy! It is so easy to forget how sweet an infant really is, and it is easier to remember without the AM wake-up calls. Hope you are getting sufficient rest. If you need anything, you know that you can call.

Jenny said...

Congratulations Meg! He's beautiful! I hope you're getting lots of rest!!!

maeve said...

congratulations!! glad everything went well, cant wait to see more pics ;)

Sam said...

this is exciting...congrats!